Thursday, September 07, 2006

Kimono for Men: what makes the wearer iki ?

In the interview published at International Edition of KATEIGAHO magazine two leading figures in the Japanese fashion industry Komei Motoji and Yo Shitara were invited to discuss “the concept of kimono for men and what makes the wearer iki (stylish). The twist is that Komei Motoji promote traditional Japanese clothing in the meantime his partner for interview Yo Shitara sells Western wear.According to Motoji high technology such as Internet helps with information “for men setting out to buy their first kimono.” And what is important that traditional kimono shops becomes more modern life oriented “ trying to create an atmosphere where customers can drop in and leave as casually as they like. ”The main point of the conversation is not about place of kimono per se in Japanese culture but about men’s kimono . The general feeling expressed in the conversation is that men “feel out of place in a shop dominated by women's kimono.”